Contact us

We want to make it easy for you to contact us. We have a variety of ways to get in touch.

Elderly man looking at his phone


Message us on 07401 329880. We're open 8.30am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30am - 4.30pm on Friday

customer smiling holding a mug and a phone


Call us on 0800 652 0898. We're open 8.30am - 5pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30am - 4.30pm on Friday

Best times to get in touch

We're usually busiest around midday and late afternoon. For a quicker response, we recommend contacting us in the morning. 


We want our website to be easy to use and accessible for everyone. The ReciteMe assistive toolbar helps make our website more accessible. And we use a sign language service for customers who use British Sign Language. Visit our Accessibility page to find out more. 

Need an emergency repair? 

Call us on 0800 652 0898. There’ll be someone to take your call, any time day or night. Remember, if we come to your home and the repair isn't an emergency, you may be charged an emergency call-out fee. 

We’ve shaped our services to... 

Ensure we have all the details we need from the outset so you get the information and answers you need more quickly. Ensure you have better, clearer information on our services and support. Help you stay better connected      

Customers reading letter