About us

We're a leading provider of affordable homes and extensive support services in the south of England.

More homes, bright futures

We're a leading provider of affordable homes and extensive support services in the south of England.  

Everyone has the right to a safe and secure place to call home and with a VIVID home our customers also have access to a wide range of tailored support.

This is summed up in our vision “More homes, bright futures”.  

We’re doing all we can to help people through the cost-of-living crisis. We invest in communities and address the shortage of affordable housing in the south, building the right type of homes to meet society’s needs. We’re the fifth largest developer of new homes amongst housing associations in England, having built over 1,500 last year.

About us – in numbers

Here are some quick facts and figures:

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We provide homes, services and support to 74,000 customers

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We have 35,000 homes across Hampshire, Surrey, Berkshire and West Sussex

New homes

More homes

We’re determined to give as many people as possible the greatest chance of having a place to call home. We’re building on a wide range of new housing sites throughout Hampshire, Surrey, Berkshire and West Sussex, so that we can meet local needs and aspirations. We offer a choice of housing types including social and affordable rent, shared ownership, market sale and market rent. Our plan is to reinvest the funds we make from both market sale and market rent, to build more homes for social and affordable rent.

Our developments


More about the day-to-day running of our business and the team behind it

Financial information

Financial and value for money information. And how it helps deliver more homes

Our research

Find out how we're using research to shape our future work