You've made a difference

Each year, our customers share their views and help us to improve our services through a range of involvement opportunities.

Our customers' involvement makes a huge difference to the services that we provide to you and our communities – read some of their successes below.

If you want to get involved, find out more about our various opportunities available here.

Improving our services:

Our consultation group had their say on 5 business practices – our chatbot, preferred payment methods, customer importance of services and our grounds maintenance and caretaking webpages. They:

  • Enabled us to make some improvements to our chatbot design, so customers are better guided to the answers they’re seeking.
  • Suggested that some of our payment methods such as paying over the phone were difficult. So, we’re using their feedback to make improvements so they’re simpler and easier to use.


Customers reviewed 10 policies, including our Housing Management, Lettings, Complaints and Compensation policies.

  • Customers gave each policy a understanding score to help us to ensure our policies are easy for customer to understand and highlighted areas where we could make improvements by removing abbreviations and adding definitions and examples.
  • Customers also suggested that we added and clarified certain information on some of the policies to make the process clearer for customers. For example, customers gave feedback on our complaints policy that we need to be more proactive in updating customers on their complaint. We’ve added the following statement: ‘We’ll aim to provide updates once a week during the investigation, unless less frequent contact is preferred.’


I am very pleased to have played a role in choosing contractors for this project. I feel it can only help to reassure residents of good practice all round when fellow residents, independent of the association and bidders, have scrutinised the process.