How we performed last year (2022-23)
Find out how well we've delivered our services and how you've helped to shape them, as well as our priorities for the year ahead. We hope you find this information useful.
Find out how well we've delivered our services and how you've helped to shape them, as well as our priorities for the year ahead. We hope you find this information useful.
customer contacts into our contact centre
has been invested in improving, repairing and maintaining our homes
repairs in your homes
safety checks (such as gas and electrical safety checks)
instances where you rated us 10/10 after an interaction with us
estate inspections
Involved customers
of benefits and grants we assisted customers to claim
kitchen and bathroom replacements
We’ve broken down how we’ve performed into our service standard areas and you’ll be able to see how we’ve performed against our targets for these areas. We’ve also compared our performance against other housing associations where possible. You can find this information, alongside commentary for each performance measure by clicking ‘learn more’.
We want you to be proud of your home and community and we strive to continuously improve our services. Our main priority for this year is to improve our customer experience and we’ve listened to your feedback, to get a clear understanding of the areas of real importance to you - those that cause the most frustration and where we’re doing well.
Feedback shows that when we contact you, for example to complete a repair to your home or to answer a tenancy query, we’re rated highly. But there’s a gap between this and your overall perception of us. We’ve identified three areas which will make the most difference to you - getting repairs done quickly and right first time, ease of contacting us and keeping you informed. We’re taking swift action to improve the experience you have of us in these areas, including:
We’re delivering a business-wide transformation programme to improve customer experience. We’re changing the way we work, investing in technology and our people to make it easier for you to contact us. You should start to see some of these improvements when contacting us over the summer.
We’ll also be launching a new and improved customer online account later this year, which will have new features that will allow you to contact us in new ways and a library of information to help you to find the answer to your queries quicker and easier.
We’re trying to reduce the time it takes to get your query answered by our Customer Experience team by increasing the size of our team and aiming to resolve as many queries as possible on the first call.
We’re making improvements to proactively keep you informed on your repairs and enquiries.
We’re recruiting an additional 20 trades staff to help us get your repairs done quicker and giving you more choice around repair appointments to fit around your priorities.
We’ve listened to your feedback on how you’d like our neighbourhood services to be delivered, and we’ve made some changes, which we hope will allow us to deliver a better customer experience.
We’re increasing the staff in our Anti-social behaviour (ASB) team, so they can give you the right level of support and they’ll now manage all ASB cases. We’re also introducing a Service Charge and Leasehold team, who’ll be able to provide specialist advice and focus on our shared owners and leaseholder queries. This will free up our Neighbourhoods team to be able to focus on tenancy and estate management. And finally, building on the success of introducing Independent Living Advisors to our extra care schemes, we’ve now extended this to our sheltered schemes.
We’re committed to providing clarity and transparency on the services we provide you and we’ve recently consulted with a group of involved customers, to develop a new set of service standards. The new service standards will make it easier for you to understand the high level of service to expect from us and help you hold us to account. We’ll regularly check we’re meeting our service standards and provide quarterly updates on our performance.