Market rent
Same rent as private landlords in Hampshire, Surrey or Berkshire but with customer service guaranteed
Same rent as private landlords in Hampshire, Surrey or Berkshire but with customer service guaranteed
We offer competitive prices, high-quality homes and a top-quality, highly-ethical and professional landlord service. Most of our rented homes are let at lower rents to people on lower incomes.
But we also have a range of homes in Hampshire, Surrey and Berkshire which we rent out to people with a steady job at standard, market rent for around six to 12 months.
Not all private landlords are as ethical as they should be. But with us, your deposit is protected (which means you are in no doubt you’ll get it back when you leave) and you get peace of mind that you’ll be given proper notice before you need to leave.
With us, it doesn’t matter how much you earn, as long as you’re working and we’re sure you can afford the rent.
So instead of waiting on the housing list, you could rent a home directly from us.
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