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Benefits Press releases VIVID Plus

How would you manage on £368 a month?

Comment from Linda Tookey published in Inside Housing

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Benefits Customer news Hampshire Money Advice VIVID Plus

Are you due to move over to Universal Credit?

If you claim either Child Tax Credits or Working Tax Credits you may get a letter in September telling you that you need to move over to Universal Credit as part of ‘managed migration’ – here’s what you need to do…

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Customer news Money Advice VIVID Plus

VIVID Plus: Helping our customers manage their finances

We’re here to help you with things such as maintaining your tenancy or providing support with money advice and benefits.

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Customer news VIVID Plus

Join the customer engagement movement and shape our services!

Our customers are at the heart of everything we do. We value your voice, insights, and experiences.

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Benefits Customer news Money Advice Support VIVID Plus Wellbeing

How we helped Beth

We helped Beth to claim the benefits she was entitled to and secure thousands of pounds in back payments

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Basingstoke Hampshire Press releases VIVID Plus

£25,000 for community projects in Basingstoke

Part of the Participatory Budget that Hampshire & Isle of Wight Constabulary secured £15,000 from the Home Office and VIVID Plus supported with an additional £10,000.

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