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Coronavirus and your wellbeing

Many of us are worried about coronavirus and how it’s affecting our lives. Staying at home and not seeing friends and family can be lonely, boring and frustrating. This is a stressful and difficult time, but there are some simple things that you can do to help your wellbeing and stay physically and mentally active.


  • Try exercising at home - the NHS website has some great ideas
  • Stay in touch with family and friends over the phone or on social media, so you don’t feel lonely
  • Look after your mental wellbeing - Every Mind Matters has some helpful tips. Or if you’re feeling anxious or worried, the Mind charity has some great tips to help you cope
  • Make time for your favourite hobby or the things you enjoy - like reading, cooking, watching films or listening to the radio
  • Try to eat healthy and drink plenty of water
  • Get some fresh air - you can go outside to exercise, so go for a nice walk but make sure you stay 2 metres away from others
  • Plan your routine - think about how you want to spend your time, plan some activities and try to follow your ordinary routine as much as possible
  • Have a clear out - it always feels nice when you have a good sort out, whether it’s your wardrobe, having a good spring clean or having a digital sort out and deleting some of those emails that you don’t need
  • Try a relaxing activity - give yoga or meditation a go, try colouring in or some arts and crafts or complete a jigsaw puzzle
  • Keep your mind stimulated - Read a book, complete a crossword, try a free online course, or even learn a another language - there are plenty of free apps that can help you to learn!