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Looking after your mental health and wellbeing

We all need to look after our mental health and wellbeing. And it's not just something we should do if we're feeling low or anxious, it's something we should consider all the time. 

Our mental wellbeing can change from minute to minute and day to day. And we all have times when we feel anxious, upset or overwhelmed.

Having good mental health can help us feel better, do more of the things we want to do, and build and keep positive relationships. There's lots of things we can do to look after our mental health and our Wellbeing Workers have put together some tips to help you cope with the up and downs of life:

Top tips from our Wellbeing Workers

  1. Keep a mood journal: Recording your feelings each day can help you notice patterns in your emotions. This means you can work to try to avoid the things that trigger bad feelings, and to understand how to respond better to them next time. Putting your problems down on paper often helps you to see the causes and solutions more clearly
  2. If you’re on medication, be organised: Make sure you’re taking it on time. And it’s important that you’ve got plenty of pills. If you’re on a repeat prescription, you can get your next lot of medication directly from the chemist, without needing another doctor’s appointment. If you’re being treated for an illness or condition, make sure you’re attending all your appointments and sticking to your care plan
  3. Get enough sleep: A good night’s sleep can help improve your mood and concentration. A routine helps, so try to go to bed at a similar time each night. Take some time to relax before going to bed as that’ll help you switch off, try reading a book or listening to relaxing music. A dark room can help you sleep - if you don’t have heavy curtains or blinds, try using a sleep mask. Avoid caffeinated and sugary drinks in the hours before bed, and don’t check your phone to help your brain get into sleep mode
  4. Use mindfulness apps: We’re often so busy, rushing from one thing to the next. But taking the time to be aware of our thoughts and feelings, and the world around us, can help us gain a better perspective and feel calmer. This is known as mindfulness and there’s lots of great free mindfulness and meditation sources on the NHS website that can help you
  5. Make plans and organise your time: Plan fun things in your diary, no matter how big or small, as it’s important to have things to look forward to. And make a list of the things you have to do, so you don’t feel overwhelmed by your tasks - instead you can get a feeling of satisfaction when you tick something off the list
  6. Exercise: As well as making us fitter and healthier, physical activity releases feel-good hormones called endorphins, which help us sleep and feel better. So, find an activity that you enjoy and get moving! Take a walk at lunchtime, join a local sports group, or get active in the garden digging and weeding. Time in nature is good for us all, so head to your local park, beach or open space and breath in that fresh air
  7. Eat well: What we eat plays a big part in our physical and mental health. It’s important to have a healthy, balanced diet and to keep an eye on calories. Cutting down on alcohol, caffeine and tobacco can have a positive effect on our mood. Head to for advice on a healthy diet
  8. Spend quality time with family and friends or meet new people: Keeping in touch with others can help us feel happier and healthier, even if you don’t feel like engaging with other people when you’re low or anxious. So, make plans to talk, message or meet people – and stick to them. Or find a local club, course or voluntary cause that interests you and join in, it’s a good way to meet like-minded people and have fun. Check out the list below to find events taking place in your local community
  9. Talk about your feelings: Talk to someone about how we’re feeling and ask for help if you need it. You could talk to a family member or friend, a volunteer or a professional. There’s helplines out there to support you. Go to to find out more. And if people talk to you about their feelings, take the time to listen to them and support them
  10. Try a new hobby or learn a new skill: Setting goals and learning new skills can be a great way to meet people, build your self-esteem and feel a sense of achievement. Keeping our mind and body active and developing is important for our wellbeing. There’s lots of free and low-cost ways to learn something new, including online tutorials and evening classes. Why not try some crafting at home, visit a museum or join a new club. And don’t forget to leave some time for the things you find replacing, like taking a bath or watching TV. Relaxing helps us to be more productive with whatever we chose to do next. Check out the list below to find events taking place in your local community.


We can help you look after your wellbeing

From the moment you move into your home, we can help you stay on track and offer you advice and support if things go wrong. 

Whether you’re struggling with money problems, going through a family break up, or are suffering from poor mental health, we have some great people you can talk to. Find out more on our wellbeing page.


Other support sources


Community events

Find out about events, classes and activites happening in your local area - and get involved. It could be a great way to give you a boost, and help you meet new people and try new things.