Stakeholder news

Homes England reaffirms our strategic partnership

Today Homes England has confirmed a new wave of strategic partnerships to build much needed affordable homes across the country. We're delighted that Homes England has reaffirmed our position as one of its 31 Strategic Partners! 

This announcement is part of Homes England’s commitment to provide £8.6 billion for affordable homes, helping thousands of young people and families get on the housing ladder, and providing secure, affordable housing to those who need it most – including helping those who are homeless.  

As part of the partnership, we'll receive £105.6m in grant funding from the Affordable Homes Programme to deliver more social rent and shared ownership homes in areas with high affordability pressures.  

We first became a Homes England strategic partner in October 2018 and received an initial grant allocation of £88.2m. This funding enabled us to increase our supply of affordable homes and we exceeded our target dates in our affordable home delivery plan. Our strong track record meant Homes England increased our funding to a total of £186m making us one of the largest developers in the partnership. 

Being reaffirmed as a Homes England Strategic Partner demonstrates confidence in the strength of our development programme. And we’ll continue to use this funding to build more affordable homes that meet the needs and aspirations of local communities.  

You can read more about Homes England Strategic Partnerships here 



“We’re determined to give as many people as possible the chance to have a good quality home, that suits their needs and circumstances, and that they can afford. So, we’re delighted Homes England has reaffirmed us as one of its Strategic Partners, demonstrating confidence in our development programme to deliver more affordable housing in the south of England."