Board Customer news VIVID Impact

New customers recruited to shape our services

Our Customer Engagement team was busy at the end of last year recruiting 8 new customers into a number of roles across VIVID. The customers will work together with us on our scrutiny panel (VIVID Impact), our Customer Service Committee and the Board of our new charitable arm, VIVID+.

These customers will play a critical role in providing a customer voice when co-designing our services to ensure they’re fit for purpose. They’ll also ensure our services and approach meets our customers’ needs and expectations and make meaningful investments in our customers and communities.

The customers took part in a rigorous recruitment process, before being interviewed by members of our Board, Executive team and VIVID Impact. Over the next few weeks we’re looking forward to introducing our new involved customers to you.  Watch this space!

If you’d like more information about how you can get involved, please get in touch with the Customer Engagement team: