Customer news

Complaints handling 2023/24

We learn from your feedback to improve our services

Self-assessment – Housing Ombudsman complaint handling code

We review our complaint processes each year to ensure we meet the requirements of the Housing Ombudsman’s Scheme and accompanying code, which became statutory on 1 April. The code sets out good practice that allows us and other landlords to respond to complaints effectively and fairly. This includes how we use learning from complaints to drive service improvements.

We’ve carried out a self-assessment against the Code which you can view here. This shows how we comply against the requirements.

Annual Complaint Handling and Service Improvement Report

A new requirement of the code is to produce an Annual Complaint Handling and Service Improvement Report, where you can find out how we’ve performed and what we’ve done to improve. You can see this and our governing body’s response here (Complaints Performance 2023/24).

If you do need to make a complaint, you can tell us about it in several ways