Customer news

Keep your contact details up to date

Let us know if you change any contact details

It’s important to ensure that we have your current contact details, so that we can contact you more efficiently when we need to. This also prevents delays when responding to your requests for information or advice, bearing in mind that any formal correspondence will be sent to your VIVID address.

If you’ve changed your phone number or email address recently, or have a new forwarding address for correspondence, please let us know.

How to update your contact details

You can update them using your online account. If you haven’t yet registered for an account, you can create one here – you will need your customer reference number to hand.

You can also advise us of any changes when you contact us.

Have more than one phone number or email?

That’s no problem, we can record all of your contact types and if you have a preferred contact method. If you have someone authorised to discuss your account on your behalf, we can record that too as long as an authority to discuss has been completed.