Press releases

VIVID taking part in National Inclusion Week 2024

Impact Matters

VIVID will be taking part in National Inclusion Week 2024 which runs from September 23 -29 2024 and created by Inclusive Employers to raise awareness of inclusion in the workplace. This year, the theme ‘Impact Matters’ seeks to reignite and energise the positive impact of inclusion and showcase that wherever you are at with your inclusion journey, the impact of your work and actions matter.

Duncan Short, Group Resources Director at VIVID added: “We strive to create an environment where everyone feels they belong, welcome and can contribute their best work. Our Diversity and Inclusion Group and Stigma Busters are key in helping us make progress, driving awareness and our “one team” value on important issues amongst our workforce. We’ve reduced our median gender pay gap from 13.5% to 0%, an achievement we’re incredibly proud of.

We value and recognise the importance of a diverse workforce to deliver our business objectives. Having people of different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives allows us to run better as a business and offer the best possible service to our customers.

By participating in National Inclusion Week, we aim to empower and support our staff, celebrating both our shared experiences and what makes us unique.

You can read more about our inclusive work culture in our 2024/24 annual review.”

Addison Barnett, Director of Impact, Inclusive Employers, comments:

“We’re thrilled that VIVID is joining the National Inclusion Week campaign alongside other employers across the UK.

In what can feel like an increasingly hostile environment for inclusion and diversity work, organisations like VIVID are part of driving meaningful change. By showing their support and participation, VIVID demonstrates to others in their sector that they are prioritising their people and that their inclusion impact truly matters.

I’m excited to see how VIVID celebrates National Inclusion Week, the team at Inclusive Employers looks forward to celebrating with you.”

In 2023, over 9,000 participants took part in National Inclusion Week—with many celebrating with internal events including training sessions delivered by Inclusive Employers, by showcasing their inclusion ‘wins’ and through activities set through the popular National Inclusion Week toolkit.

More information about National Inclusion Week and how to get involved is available via the Inclusive Employers website:

We value and recognise the importance of a diverse workforce to deliver our business objectives. Having people of different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives allows us to run better as a business and offer the best possible service to our customers.