Customer news

Tpas accreditation

Customers contacted by Tpas

If you have been contacted and asked to be involved in our accreditation assessment with Tpas then please book onto one of the information webinars below if you want to attend an information session.  You will need access to Microsoft teams.

Thank you for participating in the TPAS Accreditation assessment for VIVID.

The webinars aim to provide you with all the necessary information so you know what to expect ahead of Tpas. Whether you are involved in the survey, an interview, or a focus group with the assessor at TPAS, this session will help you prepare.


You can register now by using one of the links below:

22 January 6.30pm - 7.00pm


21 January 2.30pm - 3.00pm


23 January 2.30pm - 3.00pm


All of our customers will be kept up to date with our progress in future e-newsletters.
